SSL Certificates

Show visitors you’re trustworthy and authentic.

  • Secure site trustmark to increase customer confidence.
  • Secure padlock in browser.
  • Removal of Not Secure warning from browsers.

Digital SSL Certificate Plans

Secure your site with an SSL Certificate.

Reasons Why SSL is Essential for Any Website


Why Do We Insist on Having an SSL?

Choose an SSL certificate for your site

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SSL certificate?
An SSL certificate provides security to your website by safeguarding and encrypting the communications between the server and the person visiting your website. For using an SSL certificate, you have to install it on the server.
What is an SSL certificate used for?
The main reasons why you will need an SSL certificate are mentioned below: - The most common reason is to secure the credit card payments done on your website - For securing the confidential information you are dealing with while it is accessed through the web - If you offer a login or sign in on your website - To process the sensitive data like address, license, birth date or ID numbers - If you need to comply with privacy policies and security requirements (HIPAA, PCI Compliance) SSL certificates also help in terms of safeguarding your passwords from being intercepted as they are typed into a secured login page.
Do I need an SSL certificate?
You need an SSL certificate if you are accepting credit card payments online through a merchant account. Even the authorities like credit card associations and networks make it a necessity for you to have an SSL certificate. This is because there is a transmission of critical information like card number, card holder’s name, card expiration date, CVV code etc. Getting an SSL certificate involved is an important aspect of making your website PCI compliant (A set of rules that have to be followed for accepting credit card payments). Moreover, an informed customer knows about website security and before making any purchase from your website, he / she confirms if your shopping cart is secure. You might lose out on potential customers if you have not secured your website with an SSL certificate.
What types of SSL certificates are provided by Webhosting Cure?
Webhosting Cure provides with four types of SSL certificates: Rapid SSL Quick SSL Quick SSL (Premium) TrueBusinessID Rapid SSL and Quick SSL are dedicated SSL certificates that can be used by any form of business. The Quick SSL (premium) certificate is an affordable SSL certificate issued within a short span of time with an extended warranty and a dynamic True Site Seal. The TrueBusinessID is specifically beneficial for eCommerce websites as it displays a green color icon on the left hand side of the browser or a green address bar which denotes that the website is secured. It provides with a trusted protection and assurance to your customers that your site is trustworthy and secure.
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